Your checking account should be as productive as your business. Grow your balance with competitive interest2 and manage your account anywhere, anytime with digital banking3.
Key Features
Competitive Interest2
5 Free Monthly Transactions
Digital Banking3
- Available to sole proprietorships and certain non-profit organizations1
- Earn competitive interest2
- 5 free transactions per month; 15¢ per transaction thereafter
- $6 monthly maintenance charge
- 8¢ fee on checks deposited in transit
- Free digital banking3 services, including:
- Free online banking & bill pay
- Free mobile banking
- Free eStatements
- Free Visa® business debit card4
- Remote Deposit Capture available5
- $100 minimum deposit to open
1Ask a new account representative if your account qualifies.
2Variable Interest Rate, subject to change at any time, paid on the collected balance, compounded each statement cycle.
3Message and data rates may apply.
4Restrictions may apply.
5Restrictions and additional charges apply.